Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Translate portal to myportal when user is logged in

The Problem

Suppose you have a public-facing site for anonymous portal users. But suppose also that the same site also has some private resources requiring users to authenticate for access.
  • In this scenario, an authenticated user will be logged out if they try to access a public resource that has the anonymous context in the URL (i.e. /wps/portal/... instead of /wps/myportal/...).
  • BUT, we cannot just make all of our links contain /wps/myportal to get around the issue because then anonymous users will be prompted to login even if the resource is public.
  • What we need is a way to let links to public resources contain the anonymous context (/wps/portal/...), but we need to automatically transform that into (/wps/myportal) if the user happens to be logged in.

The Solution

There is a configuration option that does exactly this! Here's how you enable it on WPS 7 or greater.
  • In the Deployment Manager or WAS console, navigate to Resource environment providers > WP ConfigService > Custom properties</li>
  • Look for the property 'uri.home.substitution'. If it's not already in the list, add the property (as type java.lang.String) and set the value to 'true'. If it's already in the list, just set the value to true.</li>
  • Apply and save your changes to the master configuration. In a stand-alone environment, you then need to restart your server. In a clustered environment, you need to synchronize the nodes and then restart the cluster.</li>


The uri.home.substitution option determines whether a public URL should be translated to a protected URL if a user session exists. It is false by default and can be set to <em>true</em>.

Reference Link:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

POC: Piece of Content URL

Passing query parameters to JSR-286 portlets using existing IBM WebSphere Portal capabilities at

Sample Code for PortletPocService in Websphere Portal Server  at

To pass render or action parameter you need to create DeeplinkResolver project.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Disable managed-pages feature to share wcm library with virtual portal

Portal v8 and above maintains their own wcm library and wcm library can't be shared between base portal and virtual portals until manages-page feature is disabled.

Run the disable-managed-pages task from the WebSphere/ConfigEngine directory.

ConfigEngine.bat disable-managed-pages -DPortalAdminPwd=wpsadmin -DWasPassword=wpsadmin

More Info:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

WebSphere 8 Auto Deploy

You need setup monitor directory to automatically deploy application.
 Log in to the Admin console and click "Global deployment Settings" from the Applications section of the Left-Hand-Side navigation menu.
Refer these link :

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Enable session on anonymous pages

Enable public sessions for portal. The reason is that the theme/portlet needs a valid session for its run time, and by default, sessions are not enabled on anonymous pages in the portal. By default, sessions are only created when a user authenticates and logs in to the portal.
Enable public sessions by setting the parameter public.session to true (String type) in the portal "WP NavigatorService > Custom properties > New" in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cannot start Rational Application Developer - possible workspace corruption

Possible workspace corruption. (E.g. after a RAD crash, due to machine shutdown, etc.)

Resolving the problem

There are several possible workarounds to try to recover from this error:
  • The simplest workaround to try is to delete (or rename) the file workbench.xml which is found in your workspace in the
    .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.ui.workbench folder.

    Deleting workbench.xml forces RAD to resort back to the default perspective.

  • If the above action does not resolve the problem, the next workaround to try is to run rationalsdp.exe -clean This action forces RAD to reconfigure all the plugins (see link below for additional information).
  • You could try to see if the Eclipse Workspace Re-builder tool might help. (See the link under Related information referencing a technote explaining this tool).

If none of these options succeed in helping you recover from a workspace corruption error, you must start a new workspace.

Source Link -