Friday, July 13, 2012

Delete WCM Library

Follow these links :
1) Cannot delete web content library from the Administration section in IBM Web Content Management (WCM) -

2) Library icons disabled or greyed out -

Library delete module to remove Web Content Management (WCM) libraries doesn't support from wcm6.1 onwards. -

Things to remember before deleting wcm library, make sure there is not ejbTimer running on specified library.

1) To find running ejbTimer : WebSphere_Portal -all -username wpsadmin -password <password>
2) Cancel ejbTimer task : WebSphere_Portal -timer <timerId>
3) Restart portal server

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Marking portal pages as hidden

In WebSphere Portal, when creating a new page under content root, it will be shown on the quick links navigation.
If you do not want a page that you create to appear in the main menu, you can hide the page. You can use own customize links or navigation to access the page via direct URL mapping.

To hide the page, it can be done through WebSphere Portal XML configuration interface. You do this by setting the hidden flag for the page parameter for the content-node tag in XML. You can use the following XML snippet:
<request xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" type="update" create-oids="true">
<portal action="locate">
<content-node action="update" uniquename="com.mypage" active ="true">
<parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to enable remote debugging for a WebSphere Web application using RAD

Step 1:

To be able to debug an Enterprise Application you must enable the Debugging service for WebSphere Application server.

Ensure you set up an appropriate port that the development client is able to access.
Things to remember here :
1)       You must start server is debug mode either by selecting ‘Enable service at server startup’ or by using RAD
2)       Take a note of JVM Debug port

Step 2:

Using RAD (IBM Rapid Application Developer)

Switch to Debug Perspective
Open Debug configurations and Set-up remote debug details using appropriate port as set in the Application server's Debugging service.

Note: If you get this dialog, it is because the server is not started or you have a firewall issue or incorrect connection details.

Finally Set a break point on deployed web project.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Troubleshooting IBM Lotus Web Content Management Syndication

The IBM Support Tools portlet for Lotus WCM has some useful tools you can download (after registering with the site) to help in troubleshooting syndication, including:

  • DisplayNodes
  • DisplayEventLog
  • ClearPersistenceTable
  • Clearcaches 
Also uploaded the same war at

Earlier in WCMv6.0 this was known as JCRExplorer, can be downloaded from

Some important links which describes how to troubleshoot WCM syndication issue -

1) Troubleshooting Web Content Management (WCM) issues using the Event Log -

2) Troubleshooting the most common issues -

clearing wcm cache

Simple JSP Utility to clear IBM WCM cache on below URL which might be needed sometime as to clear cached WCM data. You just need to follow two steps -

1)      Place the JSP  under <Profile

2)      access it by using the following URL -